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Abstract Day 1

ยท 8 min read
OC Team

Today is the day.

Today Abstract Mainnet goes live officially at 10AM EST! The first 24 hours of day one will be interesting...

This post will guide you through everything you need to know about Abstract for your day 1 experience.

Even if you are an experienced user, this guide will be useful for you!

Note: Some links below will not work until Abstract Mainnet officially launches!

Have Care!โ€‹

During the day 1 frenzy, many people will try to take advantage of the hype to scam you. Try to use only trusted sites, be skeptical of X replies (look out for imposters), and if something looks sus ask your friends about it first. Don't be an ape, if something wasn't published by us on our socials, it's probably not real.

Why Abstractโ€‹

Abstract is an Ethereum L2 focused on solving consumer crypto. Consumer crypto fundamentally means making crypto easy and convenient for consumers.

Abstract's native gas token is ETH. This in part means that it is aligned with Ethereum, which is important and good.

  • Consumer Friendly
  • Convenient
  • Fast Transactions
  • Creator, Culture, and Community Focused
  • Secure and Reliable
  • Inexpensive Transactions

Abstract is ideal for the every day user... the consumer who will interact on-chain with Abstract without even realizing they are interacting with the blockchain. Abstract native sites will work like any other site on the Internet. On-chain games, on-chain social networks, on-chain commerce is all easier, faster, and more affordable to do on Abstract.

Building on Abstract means being on the winning team.

Why do low transaction costs matter?

On Mainnet Ethereum a simple transfer of $10 of ETH could cost you $10 in gas depending on the current gas price. For normal consumers, that's never going to work. Mainnet still matters and is important, Abstract is still a part of Ethereum. Abstract transactions leverage the zero-knowledge rollup (zk-rollup) technology, enabling bundled computation offchain while storing transaction data onchain on Ethereum Mainnet using zero-knowledge proofs.

Get Abstract ETHโ€‹

You can either bridge ETH from Ethereum Mainnet using the Abstract portal (or other bridges which may support Abstract) or buy Abstract ETH.

You can bridge from many chains to get Abstract ETH.

Go here:

Press the + Fund button.

This will prompt you to fund via bridge, CEX, or Coinbase or MoonPay onramp for buying Abstract ETH with a card.

When you do the bridge, by default it may set your AGW wallet as the wallet to get the funds so if you want another wallet to get the funds pay attention to that!

If Abstract Mainnet is not already in your wallet you can go to the bottom left of this link and click Add Abstract to add it.

Minting on Scatterโ€‹

If you've ever minted on Scatter before, the flow is mostly exactly the same. Connect with your wallet, go to the collection's page, mint. Scatter supports Abstract Global Wallet as well as older wallets such as Metamask. You can even mint with a Safe multisig using WalletConnect.

Keep in mind that when bridging if you have your AGW active you may end up bridging to your AGW instead of your main wallet, if you bridge and don't see ETH in your main wallet don't panic just check your AGW. You can send ETH from AGW to your main wallet easily on the Abstract portal.

You can link multiple wallets to your AGW but ONLY the first one will be tracked by Scatter for the time being.

Abstract Global Walletโ€‹

One of Abstract's killer features it is Global Wallet. This tech allows new users to crypto to login to a site using AGW with a social login. They can buy ETH on Abstract with a card, and do the fun stuff such as minting, buying items for games, or participating in defi.

With AGW, you can use it on any site that supports AGW. It enables new users to use Ethereum's technology without needing to know anything about Ethereum. To new users, it will be like any normal website. They'll login, use the site (and the chain) and may not even realize they are using a blockchain.

AGW is not meant for storage of serious assets. It was created for the convenience of everyday experiences and spending. That doesn't mean you shouldn't use AGW, there are many benefits to using it in addition to a typical wallet.

When you link your wallet the fee may seem unusually high, but you are supposed to be refunded the difference of the L1 fee to do this (still, do at your own risk this is what we were told is supposed to happen).

DO NOT send tokens from other chains directly to your AGW address! Those funds will likely be lost. The reason is that with AGW the thing that holds the tokens is a contract which you interact with with a signer. So, always use a bridge for cross-chain transfers, and if you're sending ETH or other tokens to your AGW it needs to be on Abstract.

Abstract Incentivesโ€‹

Abstract Incentives reward your on-chain actions with AGW. You can gain XP, level up, and unlock perks. There are incentives for both users, and builders. You will only get incentives credit through AGW on-chain actions. If you have free mints white listed for a specific wallet, you'll want to link it to an AGW so that you can use your AGW for minting. You can link wallets here:

Abstract Incentives

When claiming free mints on Scatter, you can use either your normal wallet or your linked AGW! But keep in mind the incentives will only count for on-chain actions that happen with your AGW.

If you link a wallet to an AGW and that wallet has a list limit of 10 on a collection, you mint 5 with your AGW, there will still be 5 left on the list to mint either with your main wallet or your AGW.

For snapshotting, it's safe to store your NFTs in your normal linked wallet. So, you may wish to mint on AGW and transfer to a normal wallet or Safe for safer keeping.

Abstract Incentives

We don't yet know what will earn incentives. For example, we don't know yet if minting things on Scatter count for incentives.


Paymasters on Abstract enable platform owners to sponsor the gas for transactions on their platform. Not all platforms will support this feature day 1, and some may choose to not support it day 1, but over time most platforms native to Abstract should support this feature.

Dust Airdropโ€‹

We are airdropping a small amount of Abstract ETH (about $0.10 worth) to holders of these collections:

  • Oekaki Maker
  • Kemonokaki
  • Pixelady Maker
  • Pixelady Maker BC
  • Ghiblady Maker
  • Molady Maker
  • Milady Maker
  • Redacted Remilio Babies
  • Pudgy Penguins

Since transactions on L2s like Abstract are very inexpensive, the dust that is airdropped should be more than enough to do some transactions. You can send the dust to your AGW if you wish!

If we haven't done the airdrop yet, it means Gaslite Drop hasn't been updated for Abstract yet...

In total there are 18,871 wallets we're airdropping to, and it will cost us about $2,000 to do this. For people in OC, they should own at least one of these collections, for the other collections, they are ones which we're specifically planning to give free mints to in the future for some projects, but it's their choice how they use the dust.

Useful Informationโ€‹


If there are any issues with the Abstract portal and you can't access the bridge, you can use instead, it is supporting Abstract day 1.

Getting WETHโ€‹

You can get Abstract WETH using Jumper!


Do you want to launch a collection on Abstract? Scatter is the most polished and user friendly launchpad out there. If you have questions the team there is happy to help you in their Discord server, just open a ticket. Scatter supports Abstract day 1.

Magic Edenโ€‹

A reliable and trusted NFT marketplace is you'll be able to find our Abstract collections there, and it will support Abstract day 1.

Abstract Portalโ€‹

The main site links to more useful tools to explore that will all support Abstract day 1.

Ethereum Will Winโ€‹

Ethereum is the most important blockchain.

Ethereum will be more valuable and more valued by humanity than any other.

Ethereum is the World Computer.

A decentralized, reliable, ever improving, ever expanding global machine.

Ethereum even has a spiritual aspect to it, its awe is actually worthy of being a fanatic for.

Ethereum will win everything.

Aligned L2s will win too, they are all Ethereum.

Over the next two months we will see everything that wasn't happening on Ethereum, due to mainnet's constraints, happening on L2s like never before.

There will be no reason to use anything else.

Ethereum is the most trusted solution, nothing else comes close, and we're about to see what consumer crypto solved actually means on Abstract.


Please enjoy some art and fan-art of Abstract-chan (and Sync) from our community!